Stackbit 1248


With Stackbit 1248, we added an extra layer of security for your private keys, including a kind of code to record your seeds, also the possibility of recording the wallet without numbers, leaving only the metal with some small puncture marks.


Developed thinking about the practicality of use and safety, for those who are already one step closer to the “thin foil hat”. With Stackbit 1248, we added an extra layer of security for your private keys, including a kind of code to record your seeds, also the possibility of recording the wallet without numbers, leaving only the metal with some small puncture marks.
Made of 304 stainless steel, 2mm thick, it is the size of a credit card. Easy to hide and also easy to carry.
This wallet model does not require the use of alphabetic punch, you engrave your words using a center punch (buy it here) or any tool sharp enough, a steel nail, a chisel, drill, machete, ax etc…

Package content:

1pc Stackbit 1248 stainless steel wallet

Technical specifications:

Dimensions: 55mm x 85mm x 2mm

Weight: 75 gr

Material: 304 stainless steel

Additional information

Weight 2.65 oz
Dimensions 2.16 × 3.346457 × 0.07 in

Stackbit 1248 Plate Only, Stackbit 1248 + Punch Combo


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